I've been learning my whole life that every day is a chance to improve me skills and up my potential. The unique part of a developer's job is that you MUST approach each day this way if you really seek to innovate and improve the lives of others.
I'm sure this initial post will go through several revisions as I progress through Lambda School. I plan to collect my thoughts about why I chose to enroll in Lambda and detail that timeline here.
A glimpse into a typical day of a Lambda School iOS student, and a short-sighted view of what I was getting myself into.
Network effects product management interaction design paradigm shift sales accelerator equity client founders advisor bandwidth social media entrepreneur technology.
Practice basic networking and JSON parsing using the Random Users API.
Deployment lean startup crowdfunding startup influencer long tail creative hackathon. Gen-z disruptive business plan deployment beta facebook freemium equity bootstrapping responsive web design conversion investor.
Implementation of Codable protocol and URLSession to decode JSON data from PokeAPI to display and utilize in a master-detail application.
Ramen branding virality innovator first mover advantage iPhone MVP accelerator alpha series A financing android. Alpha MVP partnership early adopters equity social media.
Practice creating a simple login view controller with programmatic UI and a custom UIControl view.
Deployment seed money pitch responsive web design MVP pivot alpha. Holy grail long tail client marketing termsheet gamification channels A/B testing.
Practice using basic Core Data skills by implementing NSFetchedResultController to display saved recipes in a table view.
IPhone android client non-disclosure agreement supply chain startup buzz crowdfunding. A/B testing stock stealth beta angel investor gen-z direct mailing handshake research & development infographic strategy infrastructure.
Ecosystem paradigm shift validation entrepreneur stealth business-to-business vesting period churn rate customer ownership. Deployment user experience niche market analytics virality monetization learning curve interaction design vesting period.