Lecture: UIControl and Programmatic UI/Constraints

Practice creating a simple login view controller with programmatic UI and a custom UIControl view.

Lecture: UIControl and Programmatic UI/Constraints
Lecture: UIControl and Programmatic UI/Constraints

Many of the students hadn't had a lot of exposure to creating programmatic UI and constraints up until this lecture I gave. I wanted to start small, with simple UI they would use often like UITextFields, UILabels, and UIButtons. Once the students got some routine practice creating these elements in code, they were able to create their own reusable and modular UIControl for a login view that they could tweak and reuse in many of their apps going forward.

I think this lecture inspired a lot of students to dig into their inner creativity and think about what other modular elements often come up in applications that they could give their own personal flair to via UIControl. For me, it reinforced the power of Auto Layout and how much of a time-saver Interface Builder can be, but I'm also grateful that I have a conceptual grasp on creating UI programmatically.

The repository for the completed project can be found here.